

Applications, Products and Solutions:
The advantages of a Conspec Controls mine-wide Ventilation Management System for improving Health and Safety and reducing energy and production costs

Ventilation Management Systems for Underground Mines

Underground Security International Regulations on Atmospheric Monitoring:
An overview of the purposes, benefits, regulations & standards of Atmospheric Monitoring and ventilation in non-gaseous and gaseous Underground Mines

Buenos Aires ? Atmospheric Monitoring Regulations Presentation


Post Blast Re-Entry
Innovations in mining technologies has created opportunities to significantly improve the efficiency of mining processes. Recently, Newtrax, Conspec, and MDT collaborated at Glencore Kidd Operations to enable battery-powered wireless gas and geotechnical monitoring in active mining areas, with real-time data acquisition to a front end display on surface. This new capability has enabled Glencore Kidd to reduce post-blasting re-entry delays for underground workers, creating a more efficient mining process.

Decreasing Post Blast Re-Entry Time with Battery-Powered Wireless Monitoring of Gas and Ground Movement

Header Ventilation Management
With increasing energy costs and mounting government pressure to adopt low emission, green sources of energy, it has become imperative to develop long-term sustainable underground infrastructures that exhibit low power consumption. Underground mining environments are mandated to have ventilation systems in place to replace polluted air with clean air. Continuously running air ventilation systems have proven to be an expensive solution for this requirement. Ventilation-on-demand (VOD) is a cost effective method for not only reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gasses, but also ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the miners beneath the surface. VOD is achieved by monitoring the air quality in target areas of the mine, and based on variables such as the number of personnel in the area, the number of emission emitting vehicles, the air leakage around doors and entrances, dust levels, and other key environmental details, the speed and angles of the fan blades are adjusted to increase or decrease the volume of air flow. For over 40 years, Conspec Controls has been developing systems capable of VOD through the use of controllers, gas monitors and personnel/vehicle tracking equipment, providing inexpensive, reliable solutions for underground ventilation.

Using Gas Monitoring and Personnel/Vehicle Tracking to Maximize the Benefits of Ventilation-On-Demand in Underground Mining Operations


Corporate Brochure
A corporate overview of the mining products available to Canadian and International clients.


Technical Manual Request

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